Boiron symphytum officinale reviews
Boiron symphytum officinale reviews

boiron symphytum officinale reviews

The calyx has a tubular segment of about 2 millimetres and narrow, pointed teeth of about 4 millimetres. Petals come in mainly two colours – typically cream to yellow or pink to purplish. The flowers are radially symmetrical with five equal petals that are fused into a tubular or narrowly bell-shaped corolla with pointed, recurved teeth that are 2 millimetres long. The small flowers measure 8–20 millimetres in length and 12 to 18 millimetres across the corolla. They bear two rows of hermaphrodite flowers on nodding stalks that are 2 to 6 millimetres long. The plant flowers from May to June with forked cymes that are initially coiled and later open out. In the upper parts they are narrower, without stalks, and with margins that extend down the stems. They are oval-lanceolate and 4 to 25 centimetres long. Along the erect stems grow large simple, mostly stalked leaves in an alternate pattern. Above ground the plant is covered in long, downward-pointing, tapering hairs that are bristly on the stems and softer on the leaves. The internally white roots are covered with black bark. The root system has a pronounced, deep-reaching (up to 1.8 metres ) taproot. The plant can grow 1–5 feet (0.3–1.5 m) tall with branched, strongly winged stems. It is a perennial herb that is cold hardy down to −35 ☌ (−31 ☏) and drought-tolerant. Description and botany Ĭomfrey is found in moist grasslands or along riverbanks and ditches in western Asia, Europe, and North America. Also the roots could be mashed then packed around a broken limb, when dried they formed a hardened 'plaster cast'.

boiron symphytum officinale reviews

Its early common names, knitbone or boneset, reflect its historical use by poultices of leaves and roots to treat sprains, bruises or bone fractures. Over centuries, comfrey was cultivated in Asia, Europe, and the United Kingdom as a vegetable and herbal medicine. Internal or long-term topical use of comfrey is discouraged due to its strong potential to cause liver toxicity. The flowers are mostly visited by bumblebees. It occurs elsewhere, including North America, as an introduced species and sometimes a weed. It is locally frequent throughout Ireland and Britain on river banks and ditches. It is native to Europe, growing in damp, grassy places. Other English names include boneset, knitbone, consound, and slippery-root. To differentiate it from other members of the genus Symphytum, this species is known as common comfrey or true comfrey. Along with thirty four other species of Symphytum, it is known as comfrey. Symphytum officinale is a perennial flowering plant in the family Boraginaceae.

Boiron symphytum officinale reviews